Achieve competitive advantage, minimize risks and move strategically in the new internet economy
Google Google Inc. is an American public corporation, earning revenue from advertising related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services. |
Dmoz The largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. |
Yahoo Yahoo provides Internet services worldwide. The company is perhaps best known for its web portal, search engine, Yahoo! Directory, Yahoo! Mail, news, and social media websites and services. |
Live search Live Search (formerly Windows Live Search and MSN Search) is the name of Microsoft's web search engine. Live Search is accessible through Microsoft's and web portal. Currently, Live Search is the fourth most used search engine after Google, Baidu, and Yahoo! |
‘Behind every business website there should be a good business plan.’ This might sound logical but is it really the case? You would imagine so, but internet consultants today are ...
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